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Women's participation in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War

 Women's participation in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War

"I believe that history can have a significant impact on our lives. History has the ability to motivate and encourage us. On Tuesday, May 24th, we will delve into the history of women's direct and indirect involvement in Bangladesh's 1971 liberation war to find inspiration and strength."

Have a wonderful day!

- Yasmin 

Termin Eigenschaften

Datum, Uhrzeit 24.05.2022 15:00
Termin-Ende 24.05.2022 17:00
max. Teilnehmer Unbegrenzt
Einzelpreis Frei
Ort Welcome In! WOHNZIMMER
Veranstaltungs-Kategorien Veranstaltungen, Frauenprojekt